Support the Crime Victims Fund Stabilization Act
While deposits to the Crime Victims Fund (CVF) fluctuate annually depending on the cases prosecuted by the U.S. Department of Justice, the CVF has seen a drastic decline in recent years including a 30% reduction in fiscal year 2024. This has resulted in steep reductions nationwide forcing victim service programs such as domestic violence shelters, rape crisis centers, and child sexual abuse treatment programs to reduce or eliminate services, lay off employees, and, in certain instances, close their facilities entirely. The impact has been severe for smaller programs, particularly programs in rural, low-income, and marginalized communities.
To stabilize the CVF balance and prevent further reductions to VOCA grants, a bipartisan group of senators and representatives introduced the Crime Victims Fund Stabilization Act. This act — introduced in the House and Senate as H.R.8061 and S.4515 - transfers excess funds collected through the False Claims Act (FCA) into the CVF through fiscal year 2029. Every member of Congress must support the bill.