Demand Your Representative to Prevent Drastic Cuts to Domestic Violence Programs!
231 actions taken
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Last week Speaker McCarthy’s released a harmful budget proposal tied to
raising the debt limit known as the “Limit, Save, and Grow (LSG) Act.” This bill
would cut federal domestic spending and could result in steep cuts to key discretionary
programs used to support survivors of domestic violence around the nation. These cuts would mean less funding for not only domestic
violence programs but other vital human needs programs like housing supports, SNAP, and
Medicaid that survivors rely on for their safety. Survivors of violence already face immense hurdles accessing the resources
and programs they need to survive and gain safety; they should not suffer more
barriers because of Congressional budget cuts.
Tell your Representative they must vote against the Limit, Save,
and Grow Act which would require cuts to current funding levels and instead
support increased funding for those experiencing the devastating impact of domestic
violence. It is unacceptable to balance the federal budget by slashing programs
that help the most vulnerable survive.
Act now!